The influence of the size of details on the frontal resistance forces during magnetic abrasive finishing




Magnetic Abrasive Finishing (MAF), Magnetic Abrasive Tool (MAT), MAF in a large magnetic gap, resistance force


The magnetic abrasive finishing process (MAF) is an effective method of finishing details. It is especially beneficial of processing important parts with complex shape, such as cutting tools, gas turbine blades, medical products, etc. MAF allows to affect the quality of the treated surface, surface hardness, microgeometry of cutting edges (for a cutting tool), removal of residual stresses in the material of the details. The relative newness of the method and, hence, little awareness of the processes and phenomena that occur during MAF limit the wide use of the method in production.

Insufficient awareness of the nature of MAF, especially regarding the forces that arise during the interaction of the processed part and the environment of the magnetic abrasive tool (MAT). Available researches provide only basic information that is not sufficient for a comprehensive study of MAF. This is especially true for the effect of size of the detail on features of the implementation of the process.

Conducting research on the processing of parts of various sizes and determining the forces and phenomena accompanying the MAF.

To perform the aim, a device with a dynamometric sensor that allows to measure the frontal resistance was used. Ferromagnetic and paramagnetic material cylindrical details with different diameters (8, 12 and 16 mm) were used. Polymam-M and Polymam-T (grain size 400/315 μm, 200/100 μm) powders were used. The speed of movement varied in range 1 - 3 m/s, induction of magnetic field: 0.20 - 0.24 T.

It was established that for the specified processing conditions, the influence of the magnitude of the magnetic field induction prevails over the influence of the speed of movement of details. The effect of the size of the parts on the specifics of the MAO is shown, the nature of processing by individual structural formations of the MAO and the difference between them is determined. The question of fluctuations in the magnitude of the resistance force at MAO and the influence of movement speed on them is considered.

The influence of technological parameters on the frontal resistance force during processing of parts of different diameters and materials with different magnetic properties has been determined, and further directions for research have been determined.


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How to Cite

K. Zastavskyi and V. Maiboroda, “The influence of the size of details on the frontal resistance forces during magnetic abrasive finishing”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 168–177, Oct. 2022.



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